Reconstruct Vesuvius

First, you need to make the model. You can make it out of clay, paper mache or salt dough. I like the salt dough best (like playdough). The recipe for salt dough is:
- 6 cups of flour
- 2 cups of salt
- 4 tablespoons of cooking oil
- 2 cups of warm water
- small soda or juice bottle (or a small paper cup)
- a box
- aluminum foil
- newspaper or disposable table cloth
- plastic plants, houses, people, etc (optional)
Mix the first four ingredients in the list together. The fun part is mixing this up with your hands. If you think you need more water, add ONLY a few drops at a time. Make sure all the ingredients are mixed together well.
You can add food coloring or you can paint it with poster paint once it dries.
Get a box from the supermarket and cut it down to only 3" high. Line the box with aluminum foil and place it on an old cookie sheet. Be sure to cover your work area. If you use newspaper, then you can just throw it and the mess away when you are done.
Shape the salt dough around a small plastic soda bottle to make a mountain.
The volcano can be made more realistic by building this mountain. Lava channels and vegetation can be built around the volcano.
The soda bottle acts as the chimney of the volcano. If you want to put small trees and bushes on the mountain, do it now before the salt dough dries. You can also add tiny houses or buildings to represent a town.
Let the dough dry thoroughly. You can put it in the oven at 200-250 degrees, but check it very often. The oven in NOT necessary, letting it dry over night works just fine.
When the dough is dry, you can paint it to look like a mountain.
Eruption Ingredients
- a funnel
- warm water
- dishwashing liquid (like Dawn or Palmolive)
- orange or red food coloring
- vinegar (white or apple cider)
- baking soda
Fill the bottle with warm water and red food coloring. Add 6 drops of liquid dishwashing detergent. With a dry funnel add 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Then slowly add vinegar to the bottle. The liquid will foam and flow down the sides of the mountain.
When you mix vinegar and baking soda together, it creates carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is the same gas that causes the lava to bubble and is produced during a volcanic eruption.
The Chemical ReactionNaHCO3 + CH3COOH --> Na+ + H2O + CO2 + CH3COO-
Carbon dioxide is released, which creates the fizz.
For more ideas on reconstructing a volcano, visit Volcano World's Volcano Models
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